September's Colours in the Large Quarry Garden


Another Walk in the Park

Late August colour in the Large and Small Quarry Gardens at Queen Elizabeth Park:


Late Summer in the Large Quarry Garden at Queen Elizabeth Park


I confess I had to push myself to walk to Queen Elizabeth Park for the first time in two-and-a-half months because (1) I feared I might discover that some of my favourite sections of the garden had succumbed to the summer heat and drought, and (2) I knew memories of the many past walks there with Piper would come flooding back and overwhelm me with emotions. And yes, I saw burnt, dried foliage, and yes, my heart ached because my sweet Westie wasn’t tugging at the end of the leash while I held the camera and looked through the lens.

Nothing feels quite the way it used to. I go through the familiar motions. Pause, compose, focus, make the image. Repeat. Soon, I lose myself. An hour later I feel grateful and at peace — not quite joyful but much less sad and anxious. I repeat the garden and photo therapy sessions on Saturday and Monday evenings. This is my strategy for staying grounded and hopeful during this challenging, uncertain, too hot, too dry summer.

These photographs are from the Friday night walk. I shall post photographs from the other two walks soon.