Vedder River Rotary Trail

Every September on my annual staycation I walk the Vedder River Rotary Trail slowly, camera in hand, to observe and record the seasonal colour and light as autumn approaches. Here are some sightings from an early afternoon walk on the 11th.


A place for contemplation

Signs of the dry summer

Tansy (considered invasive)


Buddleia and bokeh

My favourite section of the trail

Ferns, moss, and bark — a lovely melange of textures in the shady parts of the trail

Relatively light fishing activity at this end…

… more angling farther along the trail

… more angling farther along the trail

Grasses growing along the dyke

Grasses growing along the dyke

Reflections along Peach Creek Trail


Walking the River

"[S]imply walking along a river can be an adventure, a solace, an exercise, a joy."
"The breadth of one's awareness expands and attends to the important things in life one often passes by — how the cottonwood leans, how the trout lurks, how the butterfly wafts and drifts, how the water currents swirl and eddy, how a leaf floats stem up, how tufted seeds float to new shores to begin a new willow. The river is the ultimate agent of change and flow, of life itself as change and flow."

Quotations from It Flows Along Forever by Ann Zwinger, published in Orion Magazine, Summer 1996.