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Definitely a Birb*

"A handsome chickadee that matches the rich brown bark of the coastal trees it lives among, the Chestnut-backed Chickadee is the species to look for up and down the West Coast and in the Pacific Northwest. Active, sociable, and noisy as any chickadee, you’ll find these birds at the heart of foraging flocks moving through tall conifers with titmice, nuthatches, and sometimes other chickadee species."

Source: All About Birds

One of the many cute, curious, and confident — if not bold — chickadees that was perching, flying, and foraging at Beaver Lake last Sunday. Feeding Stanley Park's wildlife is not permitted but these feathered creatures persist in seeking a hand that will feed them. I don't and won't — much as I would like to.

*When is a Bird a ‘Birb’? An Extremely Important Guide