Autumn Colours: Foliage
A foliar progression through October.
A foliar progression through October.
Female mallard ducks at Beaver Lake in Stanley Park join me on the viewing pier.
Despite the forecast of rain showers — or perhaps because of it — I walked to Stanley Park again. I could not do otherwise on this autumn day.
A place for engaging in Shinrin-Yoku in every season.
At Lost Lagoon I experience flow while making photographs. As I slowly walk the loop, my spirit is restored by looking and listening closely, receiving nature’s gifts with gratitude and reverence.
The farmer’s corn field, September 8th, 2020
During the past 10 years I have photographed this view so many times in all seasons that I almost deleted this photograph. But I’m so grateful that I did not. During these past 10 smoke-shrouded, dark, heavy days I have returned to this image many times to find light.
Northwest view from the balcony, September 6th, 2020.
This year the nesting box was occupied by chickadees.
After the fledglings flew away, we opened the side panel …
… and discovered this nest made entirely of moss.
We think the northeast pollinator garden provided the nesting material as we allowed the moss to grow freely there between the flowers. We are striving to cultivate reciprocity in our garden and provide habitat for birds and all other good creatures, small and large.